About Shine Yoga

shine yoga school Today, there are many large and small Yoga centers across the country, but to find a reputable and professional Yoga center is not an easy thing. Practicing yoga at non-specialist centers will negatively affect health. Realizing that, our Shine Yoga center is built to bring the best value to everyone.

With this mission, Shine Yoga Center is constantly making efforts, striving to become an International Yoga Instructor Training School, providing a team of Yoga teachers with both heart and vision, serving and dedicating themselves to the world. society.

Founded by Master Munish – who has more than 20 years of experience in Yoga and Yoga Therapy. Master always offers many yoga exercises suitable for all subjects and brings high efficiency. Besides, he has also trained many good coaches - qualified and professional enough to contribute to the society.

With a passion for dedication and service along with a deep and sensitive sense of Yoga, he has brought to Vietnam in particular a different vision of traditional Yoga.

For a healthy body and bright future - connect with us now for dedicated support and advice.

Shine Yoga- Boost your energy.

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