Shine Yoga 300Hours Teacher Training course


Our 300 hour yoga teacher training intensive courses making you are truly transformative. These programs are comprehensive and masterfully delivered by well-educated and seasoned instructors. The Shine Yoga® instructors will artfully present selected course content that brings together the traditional teachings of yogic sages and the modern scientific perspectives of neuroscience, psychology, physiology and anatomy to create an unparalleled experience of personal understanding and development.


The course presents an in-depth study of: Asana (posture), Advanced Pranayama (breathing practices), Advanced Meditation, Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Anatomy, Prana and the Energetic Body, Advanced Sequencing and Adjustments, Developing a Personal Meditation Practice for yourself and others, How to Develop a Meaningful Private Session and Workshop Program, as well as other essential tools to advance your career opportunities and your personal practice. 



According to Yoga Alliance® standards, The RYT 500® certification requires completing a 200 hour yoga teacher training course, and a 300 hour yoga teacher training course by an accredited RYS® (like Shine Yoga®) and logging 100 hours of classroom teaching. The courses however can be completed in any order.  

It can be a little confusing because many refer to the 300 hour yoga teacher training as a "500 hour", as its actually the last 300 hours you need to reach a RYT 500® level certification. 200 + 300 = 500.



Our 300 hour yoga teacher training intensive courses making you are truly transformative. These programs are comprehensive and masterfully delivered by well-educated and seasoned instructors. The Shine Yoga® instructors will artfully present selected course content that brings together the traditional teachings of yogic sages and the modern scientific perspectives of neuroscience, psychology, physiology and anatomy to create an unparalleled experience of personal understanding and development.

The course presents an in-depth study of: Asana (posture), Advanced Pranayama (breathing practices), Advanced Meditation, Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Anatomy, Prana and the Energetic Body, Advanced Sequencing and Adjustments, Developing a Personal Meditation Practice for yourself and others, How to Develop a Meaningful Private Session and Workshop Program, as well as other essential tools to advance your career opportunities and your personal practice. 



According to Yoga Alliance® standards, The RYT 500® certification requires completing a 200 hour yoga teacher training course, and a 300 hour yoga teacher training course by an accredited RYS® (like Shine Yoga®) and logging 100 hours of classroom teaching. The courses however can be completed in any order.  

It can be a little confusing because many refer to the 300 hour yoga teacher training as a "500 hour", as its actually the last 300 hours you need to reach a RYT 500® level certification. 200 + 300 = 500.




* Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga - In this advanced course we will review the key postures of yoga practice and their safe anatomical alignment, health benefits, adjustments, and useful modifications. Our main focus, however, will be to thoroughly explore them from an energetic perspective. Understanding how each posture works as a key ingredient of a master recipe is one of the most important aspects of developing your skills beyond the physical concept of yoga and establishing yourself as a master teacher.


* History + Philosophy (Darshan) + Tradition - All too often, the essential teachings of the sages get lost in translation. This course will offer very thorough examination of yoga and its essential philosophies such as Samkhya; the foundational philosophy of Hatha Yoga, Classical Yoga (Yoga as defined by Pantanjali), Ayurveda and Tantra. We will cover in depth various traditions, primarily those of Hatha, Tantra and Vinyasa yoga, the theory behind their practice, helping you bridge the gap between the timeless wisdom of the ancients and yoga for modern living.


* The Science of Yogic Breathing - Although the yogic breath is understood in traditional yoga as the quintessential element of its practice, it is rarely taught in yoga classes today. We'll share you this magical method of breathing that will awaken a whole new level of transformational experience to your practice of yoga.


* Prana, Chakras - There are many layers to understanding Prana, the prime life force and how it moves through the bodily framework of the Chakras. We will investigate this force in detail and how the currents of energy known as prana vayus are the very foundation of what makes yoga work.


* The Art and Science of Sequencing - Understand how and why Yoga works. You will learn how to use the tools of asana, dharana, pranayama, bandha and meditation to create your own meaningful sequences.


* Stepping up Your Class Themes - Every class you teach is an opportunity to take your students on a journey of self-discovery. Whether that's through the physical body, or inner exploration, know you have the tools to take them there.


*Advanced Restorative - Restorative postures and classes can be a welcome addition to your offerings. In this course we will cover restorative postures and sequencing. We also teach you how to combine breath meditations, kriyas and other tools to spice up the standard restorative class for an inspiring offering.


* Yoga Nidra - Yoga Nidra is one of the crown jewels of yoga that can deliver us effectively into the deepest realms of yoga, effortlessly. It is highly effective for reduction of stress and for understanding deep states of meditation and consciousness. We'll teach you how it works and how to develop your own yoga nidra classes.


*Workshops - We've dedicated some time to put all you've learned during this course into developing a three-day workshop series. Each group will share their creative ideas as a class presentation.


* Understanding meditation - Developing your skills as a meditation teacher is an important part of filling your classes with rich, meaningful content. The power of meditation is significant. There are a variety of different methods for developing a successful meditation practice you will experience during this course.


* Developing a Yogic lifestyle - This does not imply a change of wardrobe or vocabulary. This is understanding how to incorporate the tools and philosophies of yoga to map out a life of purpose and fulfillment.

* Everyone will get opportunity to teach classes with their newly acquired tools affording the chance to refine their skills of delivering a well prepared and meaningful class.


* 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate will be awarded on completion of all course requirements. You need this certificate of completion and 100 hours of teaching experience to apply for your Yoga Alliance® RYT 500® Certification.


Anatomy – Physiology & Psychology of Yoga practices

Modern understanding of human organism has really helped this ancient wisdom of Yoga to get established in this era because many of the hypotheses of Yoga now we can observe and evaluate for their health benefits. Anatomy classes allow the students to gain a basic knowledge about the human body and its most important systems.

  • General understanding of Human organism with its different systems
  • Emphasis of Nervous, Musculoskeletal and Respiratory system
  • Role of immunity and the practices to enhance its functioning
  • Benefits and contraindications of Yoga practices


Asana Sessions Combination of Hatha and Ashtanga yoga

Culture of Asana practice started as Hatha Yoga Tradition, since then it has crossed a long way to reach to the modern versions of Shri B. K. S. Iyengar and Sri K Pattabhi Jois styles of Yoga. These two are the pillars of the Modern form of yoga, where one talks about the precise alignment and the other one talks about the flow. We as the practitioners of Yoga requires both, where alignment is the perquisite to experience the ultimate stillness of Mind and body, at the same time flow is equally important and required in our life for its ultimate expressions and its ability to flow even in the odds of life. These two streams of Yoga studies are the basis of Modern Yoga we know now Days, and Asana sessions at Affiliate Yoga Schools – Shine Yoga are perfectly balanced between these two streams of study and also under the light of Traditional Hatha Yoga, which prepares the participants for the higher practices of Yoga.

  • Hatha yoga postures with alignment, adjustments, and modifications
  • Sanskrit Terms, Benefits and Contraindications of Asana
  • Use of the breath and specific bodily gestures (Mudras and Bandhas)
  • Study and practice of different styles of Sun-salutations


Pranayama – Breath regulation for the regulation of being:

According to the hypothesis of Yogic scriptures Prana is the fundamental force behind the manifested state of existence, it manifests as breath within the human organism. Regular practice of breath regulation is just a medium to unfold the structural matrix of existence for the advance practitioners of Pranayama but for most of us only the physical and mental benefits related to these practices are sufficient enough to get attracted towards them. A Pranayama session at Shine school systematically deals the subject matter to develop a holistic and comprehensive awakening to this potential form of Consciousness. For a yoga practitioner breath is medium to reach to the self and access realization. Breath is also called is psychophysiological mirror of being, that means just by regulation over breath we can regulate the overall complete being.

  • Breathing techniques to improve the respiratory functioning
  • Which in turn improves the functioning of all the systems
  • Natural breath – slow, rhythmic, and diaphragmatic
  • Breath regulation for stress related problems
  • Importance of Kumbhak/breath retention and its applications


Mantra Sessions

Traditional hypothesis of Mantra is very close to the science of sound, rhythm and its relationship with silence & Consciousness, Mantras are of two types one without the meanings and the other with meanings, without the meaning called seed or Beej mantra, these are the most powerful sounds of manifestation. In tradition mantras are used to concentrate and ultimately liberate the mind from its limitations. In mantra classes, participants will learn how to develop an inner space for meditational journey by using these mantras. In Mantra sessions Teachers at Affiliate Yoga Schools – Shine school will guide the participants step by step to unveil their own source of potentialities and later on they can use these experiences in their own teachings.

  • Mantras with their respective voice modulations
  • To awaken hidden aspects of human organism
  • And lately this grows as the complete transformation or Self-realization.


Meditation Sessions

How to withdraw the senses to the internal world is the biggest question in front of many yoga practitioners all around the world. Meditation sessions at Affiliate Yoga Schools – Shine school will provide an extensive range of practices and tools to understand the process and its application, so ultimately participants can discover their own practice of meditation and simultaneously lead meditation classes with impactful experience to their own students. Practices will include.

  • Self-observation many levels either guided or by self
  • Learning the skill how to guide students
  • Connection between breath and meditative state
  • Yog nidra from beginners to advance level


Teaching Methodology

This is the core of a teacher’s training program, how to teach. This is all about creating an environment where learning takes place without any hindrance. Teaching methodology sessions at Affiliate Yoga Schools – Shine School fulfills the need of its participants to grow as a Yoga Teacher step by step in a systematic manner by developing the sequential self-practice to ultimately guide other as an efficient instructor or Yoga Teacher. Practices involve in these sessions are

  • Ethical guidelines for a Yoga Teacher
  • Lesson plan and Sequencing of practices
  • Class management to the observation
  • Art of Demonstrations, Assistance, and correction


Concept of Alignment, at all the possible levels

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